Ramzi smart travel | 10 best architecture city | Best architecture city in the world

1. Florence, Italia
5. Shanghai , China
9. Roma , Italia
In roma you can found coloseum , romawi forum , capel sistina , pantheum and basilika and st petrus in vatican.
10. Cichago , USA

Keyword : ramzi smart travel | chicago | roma | dubai | athena | barcelona | paris |\shanghai | Brazilia | berlin | florence.
1. Florence, Italia
Florence city with renaissence architecture , its describe best architecture of the church that so spectacular that stand by a glory. One that you must remember is a ponte Vecchio
2. Paris, Prancis
Paris is sure so familiar in your ear with an eiffel and moulin rouge and the Katedral notre dame and louvre arc de triomphe
Paris is sure so familiar in your ear with an eiffel and moulin rouge and the Katedral notre dame and louvre arc de triomphe
3. Berlin , Jerman
The old house is best way to start travel promotion , some of place like sony center , Reichstag museum and others.After break the berlin stone , the architecture in berlin has change.
The old house is best way to start travel promotion , some of place like sony center , Reichstag museum and others.After break the berlin stone , the architecture in berlin has change.

4. Brasilia , Brazil
This city is is if viewed from the sky like a big butterfly . This city is know as a world concervation city by unesco.inside of this town like cathedral basilica , palacio de alvarado and others.
This city is is if viewed from the sky like a big butterfly . This city is know as a world concervation city by unesco.inside of this town like cathedral basilica , palacio de alvarado and others.
5. Shanghai , China
Shanghai is the art modern city , a highest building in jin mao tower can be saw in oriental pearl tower with hig quality desaign of building , and also for shopping and stay for a while.
6. Athens , Yunani
First place you must know an acropolis , parthenon , akademia of athena and athena olimpiade stadium.That so amazing.
First place you must know an acropolis , parthenon , akademia of athena and athena olimpiade stadium.That so amazing.
7. Barcelona , Spanyol
Your holiday is did not spectaculer if you never visite to Park guell island de sant pau hospital , expiatori de la sagrada familia temple , Monjic tower and la musica cattalana
Your holiday is did not spectaculer if you never visite to Park guell island de sant pau hospital , expiatori de la sagrada familia temple , Monjic tower and la musica cattalana
8. Dubai, UEA
Dubai is a fantastic future city , where is a dream of future can be really in dubai.All of angle of dubai city is in one word astonish , that have tallest tower which maybe 6 times higger from monas indonesia . Just for information that this city before just a gulf , empti and nothing a proud but now ?
9. Roma , Italia
In roma you can found coloseum , romawi forum , capel sistina , pantheum and basilika and st petrus in vatican.
10. Cichago , USA
A higgest tower has make and exist in this city , with strangger arsitecture
Keyword : ramzi smart travel | chicago | roma | dubai | athena | barcelona | paris |\shanghai | Brazilia | berlin | florence.
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