Monday, March 10, 2014

Floating market lembang bandung : a one stop place that we can taste many traditional indonesians kullinary ( Objek wisata pasar terapung Lembang bandung , kombinasi wisata dan kuliner tradisional indonesia yang menarik )

Ramzi smart travel | Lembang floating market | New destinations in lembang that call with branded floating market that many place are ready to be see like a traditional rest place that make with special desaign . at the back of this station we can see a old marmer from the frees are stand up . A small lake are can adding beautifull this place , in one part are use as a water laying ground like kano , water bycicle , jet sky and others and in anothers part many people are sell a traditional kulliner , hands made and others that we call as floating market.

when arrive at floating market lembang