Monday, November 4, 2013

Kawah putih : a beautifull sleep crater in ciwidey bandung for more than 2 hour time traveling..

Ramzi smart travel | Kawah putih or putih crater | A beautifull crater from pajajaran land in aroun of bandung city that so calm and very nice to be visite by your family. some people also come to the crater to be travel and make a special party or live music. we must use a spesial small car to reach the crater and must pay for many IDR same gift shop and beverage food that also can found a tradisional food , white crater thirt and others.

" kawah putih " ciwidey that seems from tha up stairs , its so beatifull

This big promote of the white crater in bandung , this place are about 2 hour from bandung city.

A beautiful place as a transit place where our car must stop and parking here , some toilet and rest room are can be used in place. A cool and fresh air are can we breath untill to the lung and thats feel throught your tracheal and bronchus.

Small car that preserve as a service shape of the management of this traveling place. This car had modifications for many simple shape and will be help the tourist to see all aorund when used car also give a simple way to get a picture and others.

Wide parking area had been help for a visitor this traveling purpose so it not difficult to get a parking area for their car.

Up and down stair that used to go up and go down from the crater. a sulfure smell are fell in our nose and its had  can be head ache for the visitor.

a few of the white crater with a white beach , water of the crater seem as green as we seen

Some  branch of he tree are make the picture more and more amazing

some visitors are standing and looking a crater with seriously in the rim of the crater.

key word tag : Ramzi smart travel , kawah putih , beautifull crater in bandung , beautiful white cater in ciwidey , destination crater in west java 

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