Ramzi Smart Travel | Langkawi Destinations | Langkawi is part of kedah province at malaysia is a island that have many destinations for visiting viewing . Swimming , running , climbing , walking , jogging and shopping or others. As an autority of management the governmen are support the developed of this island as a dreaming island for foreign people espesially for neighbour nations like a indonesia , singapore and others whose looking for a natural destinations with just minimal touch of technology. But many foreign tourist are also came from europe , Australia , amerika , india , and others.In this moment we are a vascular surgery team are spend the time to exsplore destinations of langkawi island.
vascular surgery team
Resort world hotel langkawi a best 4 star hotel in langkawi with amazing sea view and island
Traveling map of the langkawi that we can found in the air port of langkawi , many destinations are can we saw and choice as we need .
1. Resort world hotel ( When arrived at the night time from jakarta - Kuala Lumpur )
In the morning time >>>
2. Flying cable langkawi.....
Langkawi ( Bird Monument )
Middle beach of langkawi
Mashuri grave a history of langkawi
7 step of water fall langkawi ...
At Cenang Telaga seafood ....
Durian Musang king and padang food at kota baru Kuala lumpur malaysia
Musang king durians ....