Ramzi smart travel | 7 th level watefall | The 7 th level waterfall as we can see at the back of an autor is soo wonderful to visite . i garancys that this place is soo nature and so spectaculer place to get a picture , video or just to take a bath and jumping or swimming.

To reach this location we can not use only by a car or by motorcylce and we just added by walking and a little hicking.becau after driving a car or riding a motorcycle we must stop in a little wide place that placing beside a small cafe that show to sell any drink water and food. Than the car and motorcycle can parking and entrusted to the owner of the small cafe.And then we can continued a travel by used our foot step by step with jump from one stone to another stone walking in the didn't deep river.than we must step up to the increase ways about 20 minute and then turn down about 10 minute.

As we can see above we must turn down to the side of the first waterfal that the tallest waterval one.With a blue water in the curve place we can take a bath for a momemt .
After take bath we continue to the second waterfall by used a small way thats make as a nature way by a people who always walking in thats way.we will found a beautiful naturally pool and we also can bath and swimming there.That also deep enough to jump from up.its a nice memory by me to remember what activity that i had do in the tapak tuan town.

And this is one of the best place from a number beautiful place that exist in south aceh that call him self with "serambi mekkah".
Totally from tapak tuan town we just spend time about 30 minute to arrive in this location.
just information if you want to know about this area please send an email to
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