Saturday, January 14, 2012

laut tawar lake amuse in takengon city aceh

Ramzi smart travel | laut tawar lake | Takengon | Sabang is a place that most visite of a tourist local and foreign if they came to Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. But more tourist didn't know that aceh still have more beautiful place that hidden in another place of aceh.

Because that place is lies is far enouht from banda aceh . And we need more time may be about 7-8 hour to get a takengon city by a car or bus transportation

Takengon is like an others highland place as bukittinggi in west sumatera , berastagi in north sumatera , Bandung in west java or batu in malang have a fresh air and fresh season .Takengon is a highland place that high about 1800 m above the sea.That lies around of amountain and the edge of laut tawar lake

Amuse scenery of  laut tawar lake in takengon aceh

In a laut tawar lake a people can catch a fish that call depik fish . it is can be eat by a people every day. Fishing and gardening has a part of the people living activity every day.

Another side of the edge laut tawar lake

After wash our hand and face with a fresh water from a lake that so amuse

An amazing picture of takengon city that location around of laut tawar lake . view from high place on the hill

Another view of spectaculer takengon city with a cool wind blowing in our face

A monument of pantan terong the highest place in takengon that develops an sign by chief of central aceh
on august 2009

A cafe shops that place beside of a road to biruen town, where we can saw a amazing scenery of takengon city

A place that  we can view a beautiful scenery

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