Friday, August 24, 2012

Kuil Fathin san be atracted place in tanahliat bangka

Ramzi smart travel | kuil fathin san | fathin san temple | Fatins san temple is a buddhist temple where build beside of the hill . Excep as a pray place this temple also used as taor link in bangka because it religious also have an atracted destination espesial cave and three small temple in the peaks

Fathin san temple , is take a place in sungailiat city one part of distric in bangka island below a bangka belitung province.This temple is used to pray by a buddhist people in bangka . This temple is building so far enough from the tanahliat city.And take position beside of the hill,So to get reach this locations we must use a car for about 30 minute from tanah liat.And this temple is about 35 km from pangkal pinang city.

This religious  travel place is can visite by all people and tourist , and is till my last visite to this location is still free.But whet you visite this place you must be polite and not to talk hard and not good conversation.

From the main gate its need about 1 km distance to reach this location.Begine with a land road than not hotmix yet.Until you found a hard cement road in front of the temple.

Like an  all off chinese temple this building coloure dominan is red and yellow.Thist building is stand up beside of a big stone that had exist as wall of the hill.As you see above that in this place also you can see a poll with a sculpture of big chinese traditional snake thats call as naga snake.This pool is consist with a nila fish , koi fish and money from metal .

Above of this temple , after up stair about a hundred step you can found a cave that had to be anothers pray locations.

Inside of a cave you can see consist of this cave like a small naga snake with many lampion hangging or placing in many place.

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