Saturday, March 30, 2013

Islamic centre samarinda : the best east borneo belonging mosque ...must be think how about maintenence..

Ramzi smart travel | Islamic centre samarinda | a big and beatifull mosque in samarinda city , one of the famous travel destinations in samarinda , had four tower at every angle which used to multiplicaions an adzan sound to all af place around an islamic centre regions. Begin at president abdul rahman wahid and finish at presiden susilo bambang yudoyono period . Some antique architecture , big bedug , hall to pray is wide and big , smooth and soft carpet , beautifull roof of dome , use escalator to reach a second floor and others.

a mosque view from beside , we can see many supported pole for more than 40 . This islamic centre also have a big parking area and locations.

gate of the mosque , it view from inner terrace of the mosque. as we see the gate a shoot between a big pole of the mosque.

Big bedug in fron of the ladder in terrace of the mosque. it seem so specials and specific .

view a mosque from a terrace , it seem many big support pole of the mosque , bedug and ladder manual and escalator. Some of big antique lamp are hang at plafon of the mosque . Pray ing is always doing at the seconds floor of this mosque.

It found in the right wing , tell about declarations when it start to build by president h abdul rahman wahid in a highest one , than opening ceremony of the mosque by SBY and others.

big and beautifull praying place , high and wide place with multicolouring of the floor , wall in front is black in colouring.

architecture of  the roof that so wonderfull .

view from second floor , we can see a big antique lamp hangging in the roof and nice sensations when see it.

Keyword tag : Ramzi smart travel , islamic centre samarinda , big mosque in samarinda city , glory mosque in samarinda. beautiful and big mosque in borneo.

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