Ramzi smart travel | putra jaya lake | this lake is not a nature like because this lake is make by government of malaysia with build dam the edge of the place and fill the place with so much water, because this place is nothing a river or others so the water must be fill and bring with a bus and others.

as a local ppeople story that before building this lake , below or in the base of the lake is exist a few village and some road that connected between this village . And after sink below the surface of this lake just remind a sweet memory untill now.
keyword tag : Ramzi smart travel | Putra jaya lake | makes lake | kings palace |
as a local ppeople story that before building this lake , below or in the base of the lake is exist a few village and some road that connected between this village . And after sink below the surface of this lake just remind a sweet memory untill now.
a beautifull bridge we can see from the mosque side view make the picture so beautifull
This place is where we can walking and viewing beside of the mosque.To reach this location we must parking a car in the wide ground above then go down with escalator and pass away so much a shop and cafe where you can eat and relax for rest in this place. Any foods and drinks are shows ins this locations and gift too...
a part of view that we can see in this locations
Anothers king palace in putra jaya that we can see also from this place , some times kings of malaysia are stay in this palace.beautiful and glory and we can see also a malay flag wherethis place are around by this lake thats also functions for security off course.
Also we can see anothers bridge thats build with a cements and had design with and old style bridging design.This bridge see wonderfull and stronge.
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