Ramzi smart travel | Aceh noodles with crabs | One of specific food in aceh is sure Aceh noodles , its cook with specials spices thats aceh belong , make your brain and tongua similar and equals to sensations of the salivations production more and more . when it do ?? it is about more than 3 years ago when i am doing a job in a yuliddin away hospital tapak tuan.

At one night after finishing our job and our gaster is empty and need some food to add in , and after discuss for about time one of freand is want to eats a aceh noodle and he had try the noodle is very nice . so you understand what will doing next ? yes sure we are go to the restourant and order few portions of aceh noodle with grabs with traditional aceh spices.
At one night after finishing our job and our gaster is empty and need some food to add in , and after discuss for about time one of freand is want to eats a aceh noodle and he had try the noodle is very nice . so you understand what will doing next ? yes sure we are go to the restourant and order few portions of aceh noodle with grabs with traditional aceh spices.
This is a fresh food after cooking proses but still in wide mouth clay pot , with a smoke and make it be a good smell to invite a salivations is gone out.
It has ready on the plate above tha table also with a dry crab with rice and drinking a cold tea.
And the end is we are ready to eat this food altogether, don't forget to pray befora you eat man.
Keyword tag : Ramzi smart travel | aceh noodle | crab | dry crab | hungry sensations
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