Ramzi smart travel | parapat toba lake | Parapat is a beautiful place that first i know and alway fresh in my mwmory.Parapat in 1990 is best place in the edge of the toba lake is one of the famous place to travel purpose in north sumatera.So much foreign guest from many nations of all the world.I still remember in that years , really i am still studying at north sumatera university . Where every 6 month always back to west sumatera through parapat a place that beside of district simalungun .

I always used a bus that so famousin thats time wit name ALS . The way from medan to padang is always spend about 20 hours .And so much foreign tourist go up on the bus in parapat station and and go down in bukit tinggi.But this condition had changes this time , we seldom to meet a tourist in this route.i dont know why... may be the promote is not aggresive or infrastructure and fasility had under standart value.
Distance parapat to medan is about 300 km by bus or with middle speed of car may be spend about 4 hour to arrive in parapat from medan.A few city is by pass like tebing tinggi and siantar as a centre of district simalungun.If you had arrive in parapat , it will fell the fresh and cool air and make you have a wonderfull feeling.And you must know that some high class hotel had stand in parapat for long time.Begn from lowest class hotel untill high class 4-5 star hotel like niagara hotel , danau toba hotel , inna hotel and others.
I always used a bus that so famousin thats time wit name ALS . The way from medan to padang is always spend about 20 hours .And so much foreign tourist go up on the bus in parapat station and and go down in bukit tinggi.But this condition had changes this time , we seldom to meet a tourist in this route.i dont know why... may be the promote is not aggresive or infrastructure and fasility had under standart value.
Distance parapat to medan is about 300 km by bus or with middle speed of car may be spend about 4 hour to arrive in parapat from medan.A few city is by pass like tebing tinggi and siantar as a centre of district simalungun.If you had arrive in parapat , it will fell the fresh and cool air and make you have a wonderfull feeling.And you must know that some high class hotel had stand in parapat for long time.Begn from lowest class hotel untill high class 4-5 star hotel like niagara hotel , danau toba hotel , inna hotel and others.
A picture that take from a cafe with lake toba view on the high way road before arrived on parapat,And the view of parapat is can see with a clear position.
Speed boat had pass away beside of a hangging stone that believe by the local people as a mistic stone . the stone is lie below of our rest cafe place.
our guest is a malaysia police diraja whose get tour to medan and have any time to stay in parapat. This guest is stay in inna hotel parapat.This picture is take on the back of that hotel.Some of guest will go round lake toba with the small travel ship.
Another view of the toba lake shooting from back of the inna hotel parapat.
Some water bicycle is can rent for a young child to used as a game.
keyword tag : Ramzi smart travel | parapat | toba lake | fresh memory | inna hotel | niagara hotel | tebing tinggi | siantar | simalungun | polis diraja malaysia | ALS.
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